Friday 4 October 2019


Hi friends, in this blog I talk to you about what I´d like to do after graduating as a pharmaceutical, really I have given it a lot of thought and I really like the idea of I make a doctorate, a doctorate is a title of postgraduate that can make the graduate students from a career of undergraduate and who have taken an M.A. If I could do a PhD it would be in relation to pharmacology. where I study, the University of Chile, this university offers programs for the continuity of studies and I hope I make it. This program it is expected that graduates acquire the necessary skills to develop university, so that they become effective drivers of the development of the discipline, both in its basic aspects, as in its clinical applications or technological in the molecular design of drugs, drug-receptor interaction, molecular pharmacology, bioequivalence, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics and clinical pharmacology, among others.

Nevertheless, I would also like to study another career in an area very different from science, I would like to study political sciences, I know that this career is completely different from my actual career but I think that this area is very interesting and I like how the political analyst says about the organization actual of the country. this career I would like to study abroad because I think that in other countries like England, they have better political structuring. 

Friday 27 September 2019

My future

 Hello my friends, today is Friday and it is the day of a new post, this time I will talk about what job I would like to do in the future, well, as you know I have been in my career for two semesters (chemistry and pharmacy) and I need a lot to graduate, however, as I said before I really like the area of ​​the clinical pharmacy, however I would also like to work in the research area, this is very interesting because of a researcher one can work with other scientists to discover or synthesize new drugs for their clinical study in addition to being an area where the work is in a team, one meets many scientists from different parts of the world, in some conferences or congresses on topics related to the Pharmaceutical Sciences. you must travel to different countries, something that catches my attention, it is very important to know the studies and advances that scientists from different parts of the world.respect to the salary, the pharmaceutical investigator could receive around of $1651.08 to $3577.34 approximately, its a good salary for living comfortably. furthermore, I would like can take out a master in pharmaceutical sciences or studying for a Ph in pharmacology, because in this area the scientist knowledge is very important for the developed and advance of the health area. 

Thursday 26 September 2019

One part of me

Hello my friends, today in this post we have been asked to talk about a topic of free choice, but I honestly did not know what to tell you, so I remembered that a few days ago I was in the subway with my friend Scarleth and I told her that I am a violinist and she says “oh you should make a post about it” and well now that I have the opportunity, I will tell you a little about myself.

When I was 11 years old in my primary school, I had the idea of ​​enrolling in the choir workshop at the time, however in the first class after having to sing a part of a song, my teacher looked at me and said: - “ master ... would not like to learn any better instrument" from that moment I knew that singing was not my thing haha, well, I accepted the proposal to my teacher and the next class I went to the symphony orchestra workshop, that day we had to choose which instrument We wanted to learn to play and thus eventually form the first symphony orchestra of my old school, good for me it was not very difficult since I always felt great admiration for the violin, so that was my choice, over time I was practicing more and more until I became a concertmaster of the orchestra, being in the orchestra helped me meet new people since every semester a meeting was organized between orchestras from different schools, this is how you can do many friends and some see to this day, also in 2014 we made a presentation of classical music from Arica to Los Lagos region, we were in several cities and it was the best experience I've had in my life, however when I had to change school for high school, I had to leave the orchestra because I no longer had so much free time, and at present there is very little I can rehearse and play the violin although I would like to resume it very soon.

And well friends there already know something more about me, I hope you find it interesting and like this little story.

Pd: I'm sorry I uploaded this post too late, but last week I was on a trip and I didn't have a very good internet

Friday 6 September 2019

Clinical Pharmacy

Hello, my friends, today I talk to you about my career, but specifically, the area that for me is very amazing, this is the Clinical Pharmacy. As some of you already know, (if you have been read my old posts) I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacy, the career is very interesting, I chose this career beacuse it is geared towards science, technology and the correct use of medicine to the needs of the people in such an important aspect of health.
During my first semester at the university,  I had a subject called "The pharmaceutical chemist and his action" in this subject we learned the different areas of work of the pharmaceutical chemist and one of the best areas for me is, the Clinical Pharmacy, in this area, the pharmaceutical chemist focuses his actions on patient care, enabling him to develop strategies for his health, such as promoting the rational use of medicines, ensuring the correct dispensing of these, ensuring their safe provision, doing pharmacotherapeutic follow-up to contribute to the achievement of the therapeutic objectives and optimization of available pharmacotherapy and manage toxicological situations. Likewise, it will be enabled to perform an adequate and timely analysis of biologically active substances in laboratories. 
 When I finish my career I would like to work in this area and be able to specialize in clinical research.

Friday 30 August 2019

A country I´d like to visit

Hello my friends, after a very short holiday, I have been go back to writing my blog, I hope that this semester we can enjoy with the new posts, well today I talk to you about which is my favourite country and why I´d like visit it.
My grandfather is Italian so he always speaks of this country, the culture, the food, the music, all is perfect to him, and when I was children I dreamed with travel to Italy and knowing the places where my grandfather lived, however with the time and besides of the books that I read and movies that I saw, I knew a country amazing, England, I think that this country had a history and culture really interesting, so I´d like to visit it and if is possible I´d like live there at least for a time in London and why not? study too, like a postgraduate in Oxford or Cambridge, well I can dream with this...
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Wales to the west and Scotland to the north. The Irish Sea lies west of England and the Celtic Sea to the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south. The country covers five-eighths of the island of Great Britain.
In summary England and Italy it´s my two favourite countries that one day I´d like to visit, because I love it their culture, language, some of their food, the music, the literature, etc...

Saturday 27 July 2019

See you soon!!!

Well my friends, today is a different day, I talk to you about that was for me, writing this blog, the truth I don´t know where to start, this experience was amazing, never in my life I thought about writing a blog and let alone in ENGLISH, however these blog's helped me learn more about the language and correct mistakes.
I feel that this mode of work has been very good and useful for developing my writing skills, and furthermore, the blog that I read helped me improve my reading skills. All the blogs that I read of my classmates and my teacher were of many help to learn news words, concepts, sentences, meaning, etc... if I’m honest I must say that every friday of the semester I was looking forward to writing a new post hahah.
I think that these blogs helped us get to know each other with our classmates and the teacher, where everyone had something interesting to tell about their preferences.
In a future I would like the posts to go to free choice, so everyone would have something new and different to tell about themselves, as life experiences, anecdotes, hobbies etc.
Personally I would like to continue writing about science, but in a simple and easy to understand way to reach more people and better understand this amazing topic.

I hope you've been entertained by my posts, we'll soon meet again.

                                                                                                                                         ok. bye 

Friday 19 July 2019

An amazing system

Well today I talk to you about which's my favourite system of our human body. I love the central nervous system because absolutely everything we do, it's a order of our brain, the brain is the vital organ most important, it's charge of all biological processes that occur in the organism, the brain is part of the central nervous system (CNS), this is formed by the encephalon (brain and the spinal bulb)  and the spinal cord. the CNS is responsible for receiving and processing the sensations (stimulus) catched by the different senses and transmitting the response orders in a precise manner to the different effectors organs.
The brain and spinal cord are both enclosed in the meninges. Within the CNS, the interneuronal space is filled with a large amount of supporting non-nervous cells called neuroglial cells. 
This system is localized from the head to the lower back, lumbar zone, it’s protected by the skull, the vertebral column and cerebrospinal fluid. The size of the CNS occupies 1/2 of the human body.
The cells of this system it’s named “neurons” these are responsible for making the synapse and this way our organism can realized any activity.

There are many CNS diseases and conditions, including infections such as encephalitis and poliomyelitis, early-onset neurological disorders including ADHD and autism, late-onset neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and essential tremor, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, genetic disorders such as Krabbe's disease and Huntington's disease, as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and adrenoleukodystrophy. Lastly, cancers of the central nervous system can cause severe illness and, when malignant can include alterations in motor control, hearing loss, headaches and changes in cognitive ability and autonomic functioning.

Friday 12 July 2019

The purest science

Today I talk to you about my favourite subject, ok, I remember that before going to high school in the primary we're studied "natural sciences", but this subject was a few of all, biologist, physic and chemistry when I started high school, I liked the chemistry, I remember my teacher when she was teaching "atoms", I was fascinated with the class, she said "everything in life is chemistry"  since this moment I loved the subject and really nowadays I think that she was right, the chemistry is always present in our life, including to cook, although I don't like to cook. Well I understand that the people that read my blog it´s my classmates and we know what's the chemistry, however if someone else's read this blog and not know what's the chemistry, the chemistry is the science that studies the properties and the behaviour of the matter, in summary, this science study all that around our.

During high school, the class were more theoretical, I did a few practical class in the laboratory, but now at the university, we have a subject that is just practice "chemical laboratory techniques" and wow it´s really amazing, I feel that if we put in practice our theoretical knowledge, we can understand much better this science. I like so much the practice class, but is important first learning the theory then apply it, for example when we do a titration, extractions, purifications, etc.

Really I think that the sciences it's very interesting and important for me because it's can help us to understand the natural, chemical, biological and physical phenomena that happen in the world and the universe. 

Today I want to remember my chemical teacher's of high school that thanks to them I can choose my career and I hope that they can help many other students to make a good decision when choosing their future.

Friday 5 July 2019

A rockstar of astronomy

To long of the time there have been great minds that they´ve helped us to know and understand the world actually, some important thing to mention are Marie Curie, she was physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity, Antoine Lavoisier, the father of the chemistry, Albert Einstein really a genius, Stephen Hawking and your contribution for black hole, and well as many others.

Nowadays I talk to you about a scientist actually that I admire a lot, He´s José Maza, well José Maza Sancho was born in 1948, He is a Chilean astronomer and astrophysicist, his work has focused on the study of supernovas, the execution of a search for objects with emission lines, dark energy, and quasars with an objective prism, which led him to be awarded the National Prize for Exact Sciences in 1999.

Apart from being a professor and being a member of the Center for Astrophysics and Related Technologies (CATA), he has given astronomical talks to young people to get them interested in science, one of which he did at the boarding school in which he studied. 

Every time I get a chance to attend your talks, I don´t miss them for nothing. in summer I had two week of class with José Maza in the University of Chile, he has been write 3 book of scientific disclosure, "Somos polvo de estrellas", "Marte: la proxima frontera" y "Eclipses", all it´s excellent books, and the best is that every one of them can be understood by all the people.

I admire to José Maza because we´re live in a country where the disclosure for the science is ignorated or just don´t talk about it, and José Maza has been able to spread the science for children, young and adults across the country.

Finally I recommend read the books of José Maza for all those who have interest in astronomy or really for all the people.  

Friday 28 June 2019

Love of my life

my cat

I love animals, all my life I have been a lover of the animal so it´s no surprise that during my 18 years I´ve adopted many pets. I love my pets, when I was a boy, I have a dog, its name was "topo", I liked to take him for a walk, we ran together all over the park, Topo would accompany me to my  school and then go home, one day, while I was in school, Topo ran away from home and when it was across the street, it was hit by a car, I remember when my mom told me what had happened, I cried a week completely, one year later I had 2 cats, at this moment I discovered my love for these animals, I love cats because they are like me.
Nowadays I have 6 cats, their names are: "Luna", "Newt", "Higgs", "Violet", "Severus" and "Tom", they are my life, my happiness, the reason of my existence (dramatic), well, there´s nothing I wouldn´t do for them. I had my first cat since 2014 then my family and me we´re adopting more kittens. Unfortunately, today my family won´t let me have any more cats :( but I understand the reasons.
I love my pets because they´re always there to keep me company and every night they sleep with me.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

My favourite photograph

My favourite photograph is of my first day of class in the INBA a year ago, this image it´s very important to me, because it was my last year in that uniform that accompanied me for 4 years.
just by looking at this picture, it comes to mind all the good memories that left me that place.
this photograph was taked for a friend that had a proffessional camera and he was in the photography workshop. in the photo you can see the logo on the uniform of the school where i studied, the INBA (Internado Nacional Barros Arana).
this photograph was taken on march 5th of 2018, while we were in the formation of start of year, waiting to sing the national anthem and the school anthem.
Another reason why I like this photo, is because I think about the responsibility of wearing that logo, as one verse of the anthem says, "good children will be first, citizens consent later".
Nowdays i remember all the good values tha i learned and and how much ther´ve served me now in the university.

Friday 7 June 2019

Literature and cine in my life

The literature has been one part very important in my life, when i was a boy, i don´t have many friends, so i found through of the books that were in my house a whole new world, if my memory  don´t fail, the first book that i read was "Harry Potter and the philosopher´s stone" of  J.K Rowling, and i love it, when i was 11 years old, i dreamed that i would get the letter of Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry, now I´m 18 years old and i still believe that my letter was lost. well in summary during my infancy the Harry Potter books was my favourite saga, because it gives you to know a fantastic world full of magic and adventures. everything a child likes.
As a teenager i started to read more narrative genres, i read drama, novels, romance, horror, and mystery, i read all the books of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "Sherlock Holmes" it´s amazing, the books, films and the serie of Sherlock it´s all very good. Other books that was very attractive for me it´s "a clockwork orange"(Anthony Burgess) "the house of the spirits" (Isabel Allende), "The tunnel" (Ernesto Sabato) etc. 
Moreover the films have marked most of my life, but if i had to choose one, "the godfather" this film is really a masterpiece from start to finish, it´s a representation incredible of the life of the mafia in USA of this time. 
Generally i don´t go to the cinema, because i hate to the people that doesn´t let you see the movie quietly, especially when they carry children. for is i prefer to watch movies in my house with my friends
All this books and the film, I recommend them as they are true works able to enter your mind and make you think the reality that you live.

Friday 31 May 2019

music and technology in my life

I remember when i was a boy I always liked to listen to music, the music is indispensable for my life, for this that my favourite technology it´s the music player, I have music players since that i was a boy, i grew up with this. In my birthdays my family gave me all the music players that were appearing in those times, the first music player I had was a personal stereo the was of my mom, then I had the mp3 and mp4, today no exist these players, all the music that one hears is in our phones, for this, my favourite app of use technologyc actually is Spotify. In the moment that i get out of my house, I take out my headphones and play the music, all the days i use my phone for listen music, in the bus, the train, walking in the street, all the moment that I can.
I like the music players because I love the music, my life would not be the same without the music.
the music accompanies me at all times.

Friday 24 May 2019

my career, my desision

Well, today I will tell you about how I came to choose my career. The truth was not easy, in fact during these years there were many careers that I liked and did not know which to choose, when I was a child, 10 or 11 years old, I wanted to be an astronaut to travel through interstellar space, yeah… are dreams of a Little boy... before going to high school, I had the idea of being teacher of math, because I liked being able to help my classmates in this subject, and above all I liked to teach.
During high school, I discovered I wanted to devote myself to the exact sciences, like chemistry and biology, that helped me to know my love and passion for chemistry, during those years I thought in careers like engineering in chemistry, environmental chemistry, medicine and finally chemistry and pharmacy, I chose the latter because in this career we have the capacity to help society, in the area of ​​health, making known the good administration of medicines.
My time at the university has been very good so far, I have met very nice people, with whom we have helped this first year, even so I hope to meet more people of the university to form new and good friendships.
When I finish my career I would like to work in the clinical pharmacy area to belong to the medical team in patient help, or dedicate myself to the investigation to the pharmaceutical sciences.

Friday 5 April 2019

something about me

Hello my name is Marcelo Celis, this is my first blog. OK, I´m the first son of a family with two children, my sister Valentina and me, I was born in Santiago on January 7th, 2001. I live with my mother, my sister and my grandparents. my grandfather came from of Italy and he met to my grandmother in the south of Chile.
I like listen to music, go to the cinema with my friends and playing many instruments, but my favourite instrument is the violin, because when I was 11 years old, I learned to play the violin, and together with the symphony orchestra of my old school, we went to many concerts throughout the country.
When I was 15 years old, I studied in the Internado Nacional Barros Arana (INBA) where I knew a very important people in my life, I made great friends there, also learned my favourite stuff that is the chemistry.
Now I´m 18 years old and I´m studying chemistry and pharmacy in the university (universidad de Chile).