Saturday 27 July 2019

See you soon!!!

Well my friends, today is a different day, I talk to you about that was for me, writing this blog, the truth I don´t know where to start, this experience was amazing, never in my life I thought about writing a blog and let alone in ENGLISH, however these blog's helped me learn more about the language and correct mistakes.
I feel that this mode of work has been very good and useful for developing my writing skills, and furthermore, the blog that I read helped me improve my reading skills. All the blogs that I read of my classmates and my teacher were of many help to learn news words, concepts, sentences, meaning, etc... if I’m honest I must say that every friday of the semester I was looking forward to writing a new post hahah.
I think that these blogs helped us get to know each other with our classmates and the teacher, where everyone had something interesting to tell about their preferences.
In a future I would like the posts to go to free choice, so everyone would have something new and different to tell about themselves, as life experiences, anecdotes, hobbies etc.
Personally I would like to continue writing about science, but in a simple and easy to understand way to reach more people and better understand this amazing topic.

I hope you've been entertained by my posts, we'll soon meet again.

                                                                                                                                         ok. bye 

Friday 19 July 2019

An amazing system

Well today I talk to you about which's my favourite system of our human body. I love the central nervous system because absolutely everything we do, it's a order of our brain, the brain is the vital organ most important, it's charge of all biological processes that occur in the organism, the brain is part of the central nervous system (CNS), this is formed by the encephalon (brain and the spinal bulb)  and the spinal cord. the CNS is responsible for receiving and processing the sensations (stimulus) catched by the different senses and transmitting the response orders in a precise manner to the different effectors organs.
The brain and spinal cord are both enclosed in the meninges. Within the CNS, the interneuronal space is filled with a large amount of supporting non-nervous cells called neuroglial cells. 
This system is localized from the head to the lower back, lumbar zone, it’s protected by the skull, the vertebral column and cerebrospinal fluid. The size of the CNS occupies 1/2 of the human body.
The cells of this system it’s named “neurons” these are responsible for making the synapse and this way our organism can realized any activity.

There are many CNS diseases and conditions, including infections such as encephalitis and poliomyelitis, early-onset neurological disorders including ADHD and autism, late-onset neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and essential tremor, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, genetic disorders such as Krabbe's disease and Huntington's disease, as well as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and adrenoleukodystrophy. Lastly, cancers of the central nervous system can cause severe illness and, when malignant can include alterations in motor control, hearing loss, headaches and changes in cognitive ability and autonomic functioning.

Friday 12 July 2019

The purest science

Today I talk to you about my favourite subject, ok, I remember that before going to high school in the primary we're studied "natural sciences", but this subject was a few of all, biologist, physic and chemistry when I started high school, I liked the chemistry, I remember my teacher when she was teaching "atoms", I was fascinated with the class, she said "everything in life is chemistry"  since this moment I loved the subject and really nowadays I think that she was right, the chemistry is always present in our life, including to cook, although I don't like to cook. Well I understand that the people that read my blog it´s my classmates and we know what's the chemistry, however if someone else's read this blog and not know what's the chemistry, the chemistry is the science that studies the properties and the behaviour of the matter, in summary, this science study all that around our.

During high school, the class were more theoretical, I did a few practical class in the laboratory, but now at the university, we have a subject that is just practice "chemical laboratory techniques" and wow it´s really amazing, I feel that if we put in practice our theoretical knowledge, we can understand much better this science. I like so much the practice class, but is important first learning the theory then apply it, for example when we do a titration, extractions, purifications, etc.

Really I think that the sciences it's very interesting and important for me because it's can help us to understand the natural, chemical, biological and physical phenomena that happen in the world and the universe. 

Today I want to remember my chemical teacher's of high school that thanks to them I can choose my career and I hope that they can help many other students to make a good decision when choosing their future.

Friday 5 July 2019

A rockstar of astronomy

To long of the time there have been great minds that they´ve helped us to know and understand the world actually, some important thing to mention are Marie Curie, she was physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity, Antoine Lavoisier, the father of the chemistry, Albert Einstein really a genius, Stephen Hawking and your contribution for black hole, and well as many others.

Nowadays I talk to you about a scientist actually that I admire a lot, He´s José Maza, well José Maza Sancho was born in 1948, He is a Chilean astronomer and astrophysicist, his work has focused on the study of supernovas, the execution of a search for objects with emission lines, dark energy, and quasars with an objective prism, which led him to be awarded the National Prize for Exact Sciences in 1999.

Apart from being a professor and being a member of the Center for Astrophysics and Related Technologies (CATA), he has given astronomical talks to young people to get them interested in science, one of which he did at the boarding school in which he studied. 

Every time I get a chance to attend your talks, I don´t miss them for nothing. in summer I had two week of class with José Maza in the University of Chile, he has been write 3 book of scientific disclosure, "Somos polvo de estrellas", "Marte: la proxima frontera" y "Eclipses", all it´s excellent books, and the best is that every one of them can be understood by all the people.

I admire to José Maza because we´re live in a country where the disclosure for the science is ignorated or just don´t talk about it, and José Maza has been able to spread the science for children, young and adults across the country.

Finally I recommend read the books of José Maza for all those who have interest in astronomy or really for all the people.